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Showing 11 to 20 of 424 search results.

  1. Delivering vibrant capital markets


    Published: 08/10/2024

    Last modified: 08/10/2024

    Speech by Ashley Alder, FCA Chair, at the International Capital Markets Conference.
  2. Predictable volatility


    Published: 08/10/2024

    Last modified: 08/10/2024

    Speech by Nikhil Rathi, FCA Chief Executive, at the FCA International Capital Markets Conference 2024.
  3. Change for the better: the FCA’s evolving approach to enforcement


    Published: 24/09/2024

    Last modified: 24/09/2024

    Speech by Therese Chambers, FCA joint executive director of enforcement and market oversight, delivered at AFME Annual European Compliance and Legal Conference.
  4. Like London's Roman Wall, financial rules must adapt


    Published: 24/09/2024

    Last modified: 17/10/2024

    Speech by Sarah Pritchard, executive director, markets and executive director, international at the FT Financial Advice Forum, London.
  5. Catalysing productivity and growth: A change in mindset on financial inclusion


    Published: 19/09/2024

    Last modified: 19/09/2024

    Speech by Nikhil Rathi, FCA Chief Executive, StepChange Connected 2024, Leeds.
  6. Frameworks for effective fraud prevention measures


    Published: 17/09/2024

    Last modified: 17/09/2024

    Speech by Andrea Bowe, FCA director of the specialist directorate, at the Westminster Legal Policy Forum Keynote Seminar.
  7. The FCA’s new listing rules and what's to come


    Published: 06/09/2024

    Last modified: 12/09/2024

    Sarah Pritchard, executive director, markets and executive director, international spoke at the Capital Markets Industry Taskforce conference
  8. A targeted and outcomes-based approach to tackling financial crime


    Published: 05/09/2024

    Last modified: 05/09/2024

    Speech by Sarah Pritchard, executive director, markets and executive director, international at the Financial Crime Summit, London.
  9. Taking the leap on the Consumer Duty


    Published: 31/07/2024

    Last modified: 31/07/2024

    Speech by Sheldon Mills, executive director of consumers and competition delivered at the FCA Consumer Duty: 1 year on event.
  10. Teamwork: A Smart way to tackle financial crime


    Published: 26/06/2024

    Last modified: 26/06/2024

    Speech by Steve Smart, FCA joint executive director of enforcement and market oversight, delivered at the Financial Services Investigations and Enforcement Summit.